Fun games for toddlers

Hi everybody!

This week I decided to write a post about some games your toddler will probably enjoy.

These days we have been playing more board games (and others), so I will share them with you and give you my opinion, based on our own experience.

1. Catch Me!

This fast-catching game is made for toddlers from 4 years old.

There are several mice with a different color, one cat (a cup) and dice with the mice colors (some variants of the game have a dice with spots).

The aim of the game is that the cat catches as many mice as possible and the mice should not be caught.

The first round starts with the older player rolling the dice and trying to catch the mouse with the color shown in the dice. If the player with the mouse is caught by the cat it will be his turn to play the cat. Otherwise, the cat remains until he catches one of the mice.

My toddlers love this game, especially my four-year-old. The only problem is that he always wants to play the cat and is really hard to let him be the mouse because he is a terrible loser and does not like to be eaten.

Apart from that this game can bring lots of fun and is great to reinforce the knowledge about colors and exercise focusing and speed.

We bought a version of the game made by the company “Carlit” which I did not appreciate because on the first day we bought it and play it, the mice ears started to jump out and the cup got cracked (as you can see in the image), so maybe is suitable for older players, but they must be very careful. A little bit of enthusiasm will make it in pieces. So, my advice is that you try to buy a version with material that is more resistant. The price was reasonable (less than 10 dollars), but honestly, I felt I threw money away just because it is already cracked.

2. Tempo, Small Fish

This game is also about to catch or to be caught up.

The fishermen in the boat must catch the fishes or fishes can win if they can make the journey from the beginning to the end of the board (from the river to the sea). It will be decided by the fortune players have with the dice.

My children love it and even if they never complained about it, I do not appreciate the fact that the “board” is in pieces, like a puzzle and if you are not careful, sometimes it gets out of place, what can be annoying.

Another detail is that pieces (fishes, in particular) are very small, so be attentive to the fact that your child does not put it in the mouth.

3. Simon

This game is great to exercise focusing and memory. Even if it was created in the ’70s, it is still worth it and can bring your toddler and all the family, moments of fun (but also frustration if your memory is not that good).

The device creates a series of tones and lights and requires the player to repeat the sequence. If the player succeeds, the series becomes progressively longer and more complex. Once the player fails or the time limit runs out, the game is over.

4. Domino with numbers and images

This domino from Spiegelburg is great because it has two faces, one with numbers and other with images, which makes it funny.

If you are teaching numbers to your toddler it can be a way to have fun and learn.

The only con I found in this edition is that it is made of paper, so if you have a child that is not very careful I do not recommend. Also to grab the pieces is not very easy, but the drawings are lovely.

5. Rory’s Story Cubes

Even if this one is recommended for older children, I play it with my toddlers to exercise their vocabulary and imagination.

You just turn the dices and build up a story. It is great for all ages (from 3 to 4 years old minimum).

We intend to play more games soon, so I will update you as we try others.

Leave your comments, if you have any question or idea to add about these or other fun games for toddlers.

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